Rules of the Competition
- The competition is open to all schools in Goa, for students until Class X.
- There is no entry fee.
- Each school will be represented by a team of consisting of two bona fide students from the school.
- Schools may send as many teams as they wish, but only the best team, as indicated by the scores in the written preliminary, will participate in the Final.
- All students must be in school uniform and carry their school ID card.
- The use of mobile phones or any other kind of electronic devices at any stage of the competition by the participants to gain an unfair advantage over the other teams will result in immediate disqualification.
- The organisers reserve the right to immediately disqualify any participant should they spot any form of cheating or malpractice at any stage of the competition.
- Once a team has answered the written preliminary, it will have to remain unchanged throughout the remainder of the competition.
- In the event of one or both members of a team, having qualified for the next stage of the competition, being unable to attend the next stage, then the team that was next best in the previous stage of the competition will qualify in their place.
- The organisers retain the right to make any changes to the event, its format, date, rules and in any matter related to this event, at any time before or during the event.
- Entry to the event is by invitation only and organisers reserve the right to accept or reject any application for registration or entry to the event proceedings.
- By entering the event venue and / or participating in the quiz, the attendees permit themselves to be photographed / videographed / recorded by electronic and print mediums for telecast / publication and other display usage of the organisers.
- The decision of the Quizmaster on all matters pertaining to the actual quiz will be final and binding.